Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Missing My Girl

I am having a busy week at work and have not been home before 7 p.m. for the past three days - which means I have missed putting Mabel to bed, one of my favorite things to do. I am worried she will forget me, which I know is silly but I just can't help myself. Here's the picture I have on my computer at work - a nice reminder of what I have to look forward to when I do get home.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the ... Floor

Mabel is getting very good at rolling around and playing on the floor, so we like to set up a large play area for her in the living room that involves a very complicated layering of pillows and blankets to keep her somewhat contained. One of the toys is a soft mirror that she can look into. As you'll see, she is quite tickled by what's looking back at her. The cats also enjoy the softness of the floor, which they of course assume we've created just for them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine

Here's a glimpse of what we're typically greeted with in the morning when we come into Mabel's room. Not a bad way to start the day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Girls

Mabel is actually not my only baby. Before she was even a glimmer in anyone's eye, there was Walnut, out youngest kitty who showed up under our azalea bushes one day and never left. I found her and brought her inside and she just stuck to me like glue - everywhere I went, she was there. And then ... we had a(nother) baby. She has still not really recovered from Mabel making the scene, but little by little she's making her way back.

Monday, January 12, 2009

So This is What Goes On When I'm Not Around

I've often wondered what Mabel and Dylan do during the day when I'm at work ... out having fun, doing cool things without me. Now I know the truth - they are taking naps and hanging out in our big comfy bed. See attached proof. I always knew I was missing good stuff.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Very Mabel Christmas

After we got home from celebrating Christmas in Ohio, we had a second holiday to look forward to - Christmas in Shepherdstown. We went last Sunday and spent the day with Dylan's folks and his granny. A grand time was had by all. Lots of great presents - including a fairy princess puzzle that Grandma Sandy and Mabel will work on together - and a delicious roast chicken dinner. Mabel went to sleep in the jazzy pack and play that Grandma and Grandpa got for her. The gift Mabel was most intrigued by was the pack of napkins I got from Sandy, as you'll see from the accompanying picture.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby

Mabel is a really, really good sleeper - we are definitely lucky. She takes pretty regular naps during the day and goes down for the night around 6pm, typically sleeping through the night until 6 or sometimes 7am. Her favorite new position for sleeping is on her tummy, tush up in the air, knees crossed under her, sometimes perched on her forehead and other times on one cheek or the other. I know every kid in the world has slept like this at one time or the other, but naturally Mabel does it the best. Here she is on two recent occasions.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello Gorgeous

Happy 2009! We predict big things for Mabel this year - walking,talking, teeth, writing the Great American Novel ... the usual. Right now we are working on her waving skills - they are stellar, thanks to much patient coaching from Dylan. He is also teaching her not to pull the cats' fur and how to cook. We celebrated the arrival of the new year with some very fancy accoutrements: turkey sandwiches, tortilla soup and a bottle of really good champagne. All enjoyed while wearing fleece pants and watching an episode of Boston Legal we'd recorded. Asleep by 10 p.m. In short, the perfect new year's eve ... and Mabel slept in the next day 'til past 8 a.m.! Lovely. Here she is, practicing her waving skills. (I know, just humor me.)