Last weekend Mabel and I drove to Shepherdstown for a Grammy & PopPop fix. We took a nice long walk with Grammy from their house, all the way down the alley to the Little House, then back up German Street (with a stop at the Sweet Shop for snacks) and home. We saw lots of dogs, interesting babies and other assorted attractions. Mabel was asleep within five minutes of getting in the car to head back to our house, and slept in an extra hour the next morning. All in all, a highly satisfying and successful trip.
I have always loved the 'little house' but I now really love the 'little person' at the 'little house'. Just her size! Sandra you are so blessed
with you adventures with little Mabel.
Little Mable is a perfect fit, alongside the Little House. I have wondered for 55 years, what is inside the Little House...never looked inside to see...didn't know if it was trespassing or not!
The little house is great, Granny used to have a key and I would go inside every chance I got and play. It is full of little furniture, and has two real levels !
Dylan (Mabels Dad)
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