Mabel had her 15-month checkup yesterday and I am pleased to report she turned in very impressive numbers. Height - 32 inches. Weight - 25 pounds. Head circumference - I neglected to write this one down, but suffice it to say her melon is appropriately sized. (Although she was NOT pleased when the nurse wrapped the tape measure around her head.) We switched practices so this was our first visit with Dr. Feldman, and he is clearly a professional - he heaped praise on Mabel (to the delight of her swooning parents), let Mabel hold his shiny tool that had a light on the end (to the delight of an almost unbelieving Nugget - Wha?? You're going to let me hold this shiny object? Do you know that I am a very tiny girl who drops things a lot? OK, GiveitGiveitGiveit) and after the exam pronounced her 'perfect'. Plus, he has six kids, so we're pretty sure he knows what he's talking about.
On a separate note, this morning when I gave Mabel one last snuggle I caught the subtle scent of peanut butter on the back of her neck. I'm not entirely sure how it got there, but I have a pretty good idea.
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