We're just back from Mabel's four-month doctor's appointment and all is well. Except for the sinus infection, but Dr. Snow gave us some antibiotics for that, so hopefully that will clear things right up. She also got four shots but was a total champ. Dylan held her hands and blew on her face (which for some odd reason she likes) while she was getting the shots, and that really seemed to calm her down. I busied myself in the corner with a pamphlet titled Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby and tried to ignore the crying coming from across the room.
Here are the latest vitals: Mabel weighs 16 pounds and is 25 and 3/4 inches long, up from almost 13 pounds and 24 inches two months ago. This is one growing girl. Here's a picture of Dylan and Mabel waiting in the doctor's office. I took it with my phone, so it's a little blurry.
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