From the home office in Hyattsville, MD, and in no particular order:
10. New hula hoop ("my hula hula")
9. Blocks
8. Being in the kitchen, watching whatever's going on ("Lift me up so I can see, Mommy")
7. The cats, especially Hamlet ("Hammy is my best furry boy")
6. Singing - Mabel often sings herself to sleep and wakes up singing
5. Dogs. We often go for walks around the neighborhood to look for them.
4. PopPop and Grammy. Mabel talks about them all the time.
3. Peanut butter
2. Reading - usually a book from Grammy
1. Soft Baby (When Mabel gets home from school she immediately looks for SB, holds her close and whispers: "Oh Soft Baby. It's so good to see you.")