Thursday, September 30, 2010

Serious Sliding

We got Mabel a very cool playset for the backyard a month or so ago. She calls it her playground. As in, "Play on playground, Mommy?" Hard to say no to that. I took this picture when we were heading out to school yesterday. If you look very closely you can see her tongue curled around the corner of her mouth. We take sliding very seriously at our house.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rainy Sunday

Dylan was working today so Mabel and I spent the day together ... mostly on the porch, becauseof the rain. Lots of sidewalk/porch chalk, watching the rain, scanning the passers-by for dogs, etc. Mabel has been very interested in wearing my WWF hat lately: "Panda bear hat, mommy!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My colleague Julie made the most delicious pound cake for an office birthday celebration, and was kind enough to send some home with me for Dylan and Mabel. Judging by how much Mabel enjoyed her piece last night after dinner, Dylan will be lucky if he gets a bite. When she was eating it I asked her for a taste, and she gave me a very small piece. As I was chewing it she said, "No, Mommy. Give it back. Mabel's cake." Can't say that I blame her - in general, cake is awesome, and this cake was double-awesome.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Girl

Mabel has started saying "Cheese!" whenever she sees a camera headed her way. I took these this morning as we were getting ready for school.