There is a great park just down the hill from our house that Mabel totally digs. Everything's sized for smaller kids and it's usually not crowded so she can have the run of the place. Here she is with Dylan in the fire engine-climby thing.
A friend of mine loaned us a Halloween costume for Mabel and of course we (and by 'we', I mean 'I') wanted to put it on her immediately! How could I possibly be expected to wait until Halloween to see my child dress as a tiny bee? As expected, Mabel + fuzzy bee cosutme = adorable.
Dylan took Mabel to Ikea earlier this week and got her a perfectly Nugget-sized table and two chairs. And it's not an exaggeration to say she is in LOVE with them. She now takes her bottle at her table, thank you very much, and enjoys tormenting me by standing up on the chair and pretending to listen when I ask her to please put her bottom on the chair .... but then she does a little dance instead.