Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Car Talk

Mabel has a little plastic walker that also converts into a car. (Hmmmm ... so I guess the car is a convertible?) Anyway, she is very enamored with the car these days. It has a little trunk in the back that opens, and we like to store things in there. Blocks, small toys, pieces of paper; anything a Nugget might need on her long drive across the living room. She hasn't yet mastered forward motion, though, so she scoots herself backward until she gets stuck in a corner or up against the wall, and then waits for us to get her back on course. And if we don't respond fast enough, she simply rolls off and moves on to another activity, like reading that day's newspaper or tormenting the cats. She's got things to do, you understand.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Nugget and Her Drawer

Mabel loves to be in the kitchen if that's where we are, and as we all know kitchens can be a bit dangerous for kids. Especially if, for example, you keep knives in drawers that are within a certain someone's reach AND you haven't put drawer locks on yet. So we came up with the super clever idea of giving Mabel her own drawer that she can access easily, open and close to her heart's content and is full of Nugget-friendly stuff: wooden spoons, rubber spatulas (very handy for teething - who knew?), boxes of tea bags, etc. You get the picture. Here she is enjoying her drawer, and here she is sizing it up for future use as an alternate nap location. A girl's gotta have options.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I'm afraid it's true - sometimes we turn on Sesame Street for Mabel when she's playing in the living room and we want five minutes to read the paper. Go ahead and judge, but so far her brain doesn't seem to be rotting and leaking out her ears.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just Beachy, Thanks for Asking

Last week Mabel and I went to Annapolis to visit my friend Amy and her daughter Olivia. Amy and I used to work together and we try to hang out once a month or so. This time we all went to Matapeake Beach, on Kent Island just over the Bay Bridge. It was a gorgeous day - mid-80s, no humidity and a light breeze. (This was a nice contrast to the rest of the weekend which was in the 90s and humid and disgusting.) We had a ball at the beach - it was Mabel's first visit and she loved it. Although I had to do a fair amount of hovering to make sure she didn't eat any of the little rocks that were everywhere. I wasn't as concerned with whether she ate the sand, though, and by the end of the day she had a lovely sand moustache + goatee to show for a hard day's work.